Light cube software (for BlinkStick & Windows)

Version 1.11: Download windows installer here.

Automatic start (optional): hit win+R, type shell:startup, and drag the shortcut from your desktop into this folder.

After setup, the program is hidden by default. If you want to adjust anything, you'll find it in the system tray.

The software checks electricity price two minutes past each hour. (The API tends to be crowded as the hour changes.)

Version history

2022-05-13: Version 1.11: Fixed an issue where a high display scaling setting broke the UI. High scaling may still look blurry, but at least its usable now.

If you didn't have this issue, no need to update.

2022-12-02: Version 1.1: Added the option to burn your eyes.

The program uses one LED by default, but it's possible to use all 8 in the cube.

2022-11-15: Version 1.0: Hello, world!

Please be patient as we figure out how this runs on everyone's different machines. :)

Report bugs / questions / feedback to Byproduct#9084 @ Discord

Troubleshooting tips

Trouble: Installer fails when clicking inside winzip/winrar/7zip/compressed folder/etc.

Shooting: Unpack the .zip file first, then run either installer.

Trouble: No .NET runtime installed.

Shooting: The installer should offer .NET runtime automatically. If that doesn't work, grab .NET runtime 5 for example here.

Trouble: I'd like to have the original colours or other settings back.

Shooting: Close the program and delete Light_Cube_settings.txt to reset all settings. It's in your local appdata folder, usually C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local